Friday, September 08, 2006

I neglected this lil space for some time becos i was really really busy. Its kinda no life.
Whats always troubled me when working is really lunch alone.
Thank god i've twin, parky and linn there to acc me for lunch.

I'm glad i still did some window shopping and catching some movies...
Theres this Country Road skirt that really catches my eyes. Feminine, which i need.
However, the price tag almost scared the hell outta me. $200 plus. I guess i'll give it a miss.
I watched e Devil wears Prada with Parky, hes so nice although he said he just happened to come to look for a book. He doesn't like this movie thou but i think its nice cause of many pretty clothes and i really dig Anne Hathaway. Shes GORGEOUS! The clothes she wore in the movie are really really pretty as well... if only SG have four seasons.
The other movie i caught recently with les partners was THE HOST. Its a mixture of disgusting, a lil scary and a lil funny.

Again, thanks for coming. I thought it will be just another "go home after work" day for me. Because you guys are willing to wait for me that i'd a chance to really do some shopping and catching movie. I hadn't catch one for decades. I can't wait for my off day to come after so many days of working continously. I'm kinda shag already.

I love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job i love my job

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